The BHESA Executive Committee 2024-2026
Our Executive Committee at the Bangladesh Heritage and Ethnic Society of Alberta (BHESA) is made up of 12 members representing our operations and functions within the organization.
We elect these individuals once a year through a member-appointed election committee. The elected executives are responsible for the smooth operations of our organization.
Currently the Executive Committee consists of positions with the following functions:
· President
· Vice President
· General Secretary
· Joint General Secretary
· Treasurer
· Member of Cultural Affairs
· Member of Communication Affairs
· Member of Sports Affairs
· Member of Social Affairs
· Member of Youth Affairs
· Ex-Officio / Honorary Member
Meet our Executives
The President is the chief executive and spokesperson of the organization. As leader he presides all executive meetings, and he oftentimes becomes the advisor (Ex-Officio) of the organization when a new President has been elected. · Contact |
The Vice President of the organization represents the President in his absence, and assumes his responsibilities and duties. He also assists the President by carrying out activities assigned by the President. · Contact |
The General Secretary keeps record of all proceedings made in executive and member meetings. His task is to maintain appropriate records and prepare documents like e.g. the yearly activity statement, which can be accessed publicly through the registration office. · Contact |
The Joint General Secretary assists the General Secretary in all tasks and duties related to his function, and takes over for the General Secretary in his absence. · Contact |
The Treasurer is responsible for all financial transfers. He keeps accurate financial records and prepares the financial statements and other documentation used in audits and the year-end. He further organizes money-related tasks like the collection of membership- and entrance fees. · Contact |
The Member of Cultural Affairs organizes and supervises all cultural activities and programs that promote cultural heritage, like art, mother language, music, dance, ethnic food, etc. His responsibility is to build cultural awareness through the celebration of national and international occasions. · Contact |
Member of Communication Affairs The Member of Communication Affairs maintains the image of BHESA through organizing the creation, publication and distribution of media contents, like the community magazine, flyers, etc. He recruits and welcomes new members and is responsible for announcements to existing members. · Contact |
The Member of Sports Affairs organizes recreational and sporting acivities and events for the community including women and children. He is assigned to include external organizations and groups into the activities, and to create and maintain partnerships with local business. · Contact |
The Member of Social Affairs is helping our members with everyday tasks by introducing contacts and supplying information. He coordinates social activities, and provides advise and guidance for people who are new in our community. · Contact |
The Member of Youth Affairs is responsible for organizing and supervising youth activities during all events. He helps with the integration of newcomers into the local community, and actively encourages our youth to participate in sports and recreational events. · Contact |
The Ex-Officio is a selected member from the previous Executive Committee in charge, and in his role he will advise and assist the current members of the Executive Committee. Oftentimes the former President becomes Ex-Officio. · Contact |