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Bangladesh Heritage

BHESA's News Blog

Our blog contains news from BHESA and the Bengali community here in Edmonton, Alberta.

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

BHESA, the Bangladesh Ethnic and Heritage Society of Alberta invites its members to attend the Annual General Meeting on December 25. The meeting will be held 6.00 pm at E4C 9321 Jasper Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T5H 3T5.

The agenda of the meeting was decided November 26, 2014 and contains the following points:

  1. Address of the President of BHESA Executive Committee
  2. Approval of the Agenda
  3. Approval of the last AGM minutes
  4. To receive the report of the activity by General Secretary and the accounts for the year ending 31st of December 2014.
    Motion for the Approval of the financial statement.
  5. Presentation of the annual audited report for approval
  6. Appointment of new executive committee through the selection from the floor. Election/Re-election of the executives who, retiring under the articles of association and, being eligible, are offering themselves for re-election. This executive committee will set forth the rules to conduct the selection of executives.
  7. To consider and, if thought fit, add misc. agenda to discuss and resolve.

A complementary light snacks and tea will be served at the meeting. We also will celebrate Victory Day of Bangladesh (December 16) on our meeting at December 25.

Delwar Jahid,
President of the Bangladesh Heritage and Ethnic Society of Alberta (BHESA)

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