Annual meeting of BHESA
Edmonton, Canada, November 27, 2022: The 2022 Annual General Meeting of the Bangladesh Heritage and Ethnic Society of Alberta was enthusiastically held at the City's Parkdale Community Hall.
Annual meeting of BHESA
It was presided over by the president of the organization, Ahsan Ullah. At the beginning of the meeting, the election results of 2023/24 of the executive council led by the chairperson of the organization's election commission, Bangladesh North American Journalists Network, expatriate writer, journalist, and brave freedom fighter Delwar Jahid, and member advocate Arif Khan were announced. One-time former president of the organization, Mr. M. Lashkar, was declared unopposed as President, Mrs. Sultana Majumdar as Vice-President, Ms. Chameli Lashkar, General Secretary, Mr. Syfur Hasan Treasurer, Ms. Aneeka Sutiprabha as Secretary, Communications and Organizational Affairs.
The Election Commission Chair announced the name of the newly elected council and gave a brief speech. Brave freedom fighter Delwar Jahid said that the Bangladesh Heritage Society has made its place in the history of Canada. Discriminatory and jealous people in society are indulging in conspiracies and nefarious schemes; they want to destroy and damage this organization, which symbolizes the hope and aspirations of the progressive and working people. This organization should be developed with collective efforts and unity. He thanked the officers and volunteers of the organization for their sacrifice and spirit of service. Mesbahul Islam Faruqi, one of the patrons of the Heritage Society, was present as an honored guest at the event.
Other activities of the Annual General Meeting started with the reading of the previous year 2021-22 activities and financial accounts approved by the Executive Council. Outgoing general secretary Tahmina Kalam, outgoing president of the organization Ahsan Ullah, newly elected president Mr. Lashkar, Vice President Anamur Rahman, Chameli Lashkar, etc. Mesbahul Islam Farooqui, M.D. presented a certificate of appreciation for volunteering at the Edmonton Heritage Festival. Lashkar and Ahsan Ullah. At the end of the meeting, entertainment was arranged for all present. Farzana Islam conducted and conducted the meeting.