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Bangladesh Heritage


Links to Bangla Media

Find links to media located in Bangladesh, and local, national or international media offering content in Bangladesh language here.

Please let us know if you are missing an important source of information, or if any of the links are outdated.

Media with Bangladesh content

Online News Magazines

· Samajkantha - The Voice of Society (English Language Section)
· Samajkantha - The Voice of Society (Bengali Language Section)
· Asian News and Views (English Language Section)
· Asian News and Views (Bengali Language Section)
· Prothom Alo North America (Bengali Language)

Supporting Media with English content

Online News Magazines

· Diverse Edmonton
· Edmonton Bichitra
· Agro-Ocean

Media in Bangladesh

Enjoy reading news and watching Bangla Natok, Cinema and other programs!

Bangladesh Newspapers


The Daily Ittefaq

The Daily Ittefaq

Prothom Alo · Most popular bangla daily newspaper

Prothom Alo · Bangladesh's first online newspaper

Bangladesh News 24

The New Nation · Bangladesh's independent news source

The New Nation

Bengali Guru · Free bangla movie, bangla natoks, bangla music

Bengali Guru

Bangla Music · First and biggest Bangla music portal

Bangla Music

Bangladeshi Natoks from all major Bangla Channel

Bangladeshi Natoks · Free Bangla Natoks, Drama Serials, Ittadi, Recipes

Amar Natok