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Bangladesh Heritage


Oher Links

Find other links of interest for our community here.

Please let us know if you are missing an important source of information, or if any of the links are outdated.

Consular Services

High Commission for Bangladesh

The High Commission for Bangladesh offers information and consular services for Bangladeshi Canadians.


High Commission of Canada to Bangladesh

The High Commission of Canada to Bangladesh offers information and services in foreign affairs, trade and development for individuals and business.


Tourism in Alberta

Favourite Tourism Destinations

Alberta has many attractive destinations to offer, ideal for a beautiful weekend trip or a vacation with your loved ones or the whole family. We have collected a few highlights for your convenience.

· Banff Adventures
· Travel Alberta
· Travel Drumheller
· Elk Island National Park
· Jasper, Official Tourism Resource
· Waterton Lakes National Park

Transportation in Edmonton

Edmonton Transit System (ETS)

The Edmonton Transit System (ETS) is a fully integrated, progressive, easy-to-use public transit system that supports economic development and improves the quality of life in Edmonton.

· Edmonton Transit System (ETS)
· ETS Trip Planner
· Bus Route Schedules
· School Bus Service

Taxi Service

A list of taxi services operating in the greater Edmonton area.

· CO-OP Taxi Line
· Edmonton Taxi Service Group
· Capital Taxi Line Co-op
· Airport Taxi Service
· Skyshuttle Airport Service

Transportation Canada

Explore the province of Alberta and Canada with convenient, reliable and comfortable transportation services like bus and railway.

· eBus
· Greyhound Canada
· Red Arrow
· VIA Rail Canada