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Bangladesh Heritage

BHESA's News Blog

Our blog contains news from BHESA and the Bengali community here in Edmonton, Alberta.

Bangla Language Movement

During the Ekushey February / international Mother Language Day celebration, the Bangladesh Heritage and Ethnic Society of Alberta (BHESA) took the initiative to promote the Bangla language in all prospects and according to that, BHESA initiates the mission and took two projects:

· Add Bangla Books in Edmonton Public Libraries collections.

· Include Bangla Language in the Alberta Driving Knowledge test.
  (This project is still in process and progressing.)

However today we proudly inform you that our project to include Bangla Books in the Edmonton Public Library has been moderately accomplished. Edmonton Public Library (EPL) has added 38 Banglali / English bi-lingual children books to the library inventory. We would like to encourage all community members to collect children books so our future generation can get a glance of our cultural, as well as learn to read Bangla along with English. Please keep in mind that the Bangla Books collection will increase as per its demand. Therefore please collect these books and help to promote the project of Bangla book collection to increase the number of available books. If your desired book from the Bangla book list is not available in your local library, you may order that book and will be informed by your local library once the ordered book is available for pickup.

Open the Bengali / English children book list:
? BHESA_ChildrenBooks_11-2010.pdf (50 KB)

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