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Bangladesh Heritage

BHESA's News Blog

Our blog contains news from BHESA and the Bengali community here in Edmonton, Alberta.

Eid Reunion Program

We will be celebrating the Eid Reunion on October 24 at Pleasantview Community League Hall at 6 pm. We have prepared an attractive and colourful program and are excited to bring the community together for this event.

At the Eid Reunion you will experience

· An introduction speech with the guest of honour
· A short discussion
· Condolences
· The cultural program
· The distribution of ethnic food
· The distribution of certificates for the players of ?cricket and soccer match
· And more cultural program?

The cultural program will contain music, dance, comedy, recitation of a poem and a fashion show. During the event we will distribute our yearly community magazine, the Edmonton Bichitra. We invite our community members to take part on the Eid Reunion Celebrations on October 24.

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