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Bangladesh Heritage

BHESA's News Blog

Our blog contains news from BHESA and the Bengali community here in Edmonton, Alberta.

Kabaddi Tournament on Victory Day 2015

BHESA is inviting fans of the team sports to a special celebration of Bangladesh sports heritage, the Kabaddi Tournament of the community to be held in Edmonton, Alberta on Victory Day, Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at Alex Taylor School.

The community has assembled two teams representing two local community organizations MJMF (Mahinur Jahid Memorial Foundation) and BPCA (Bangladesh PressClub Centre of Alberta), which will present the national sport of Bangladesh to the interested audience in form of a friendship game.

The tournament event on December 15 is a repeat for the previous event at November 12, where the teams have been missing players to perform the encounter. BHESA will reward the winning teams with the Community Friendship Trophy and medals.

A Kabaddi match at the Asian Games 2006.

A Kabaddi match at the Asian Games 2006.


Alex Taylor School, Venue E4C / GYM
9321 Jasper Ave NW
T5H 3T7 Edmonton, Alberta


Tuesday, December 15, 2015
starts at 7:15 PM

Please RSVP to Ahsan Ullah at +1 (780) 709-7337.

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