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Bangladesh Heritage

President's Message 2021

Honorable members of BHESA,

In March 2021 I am elected as the president of Bangladesh Heritage and Ethnic Society of Alberta (BHESA) following my term as a VP for the last two years. Our work for the Society in 2019 and 2020 was challenging, as we together and as a team could not bring new life into our society.

During this time of COVID 19, when our Alberta province is working together with the world to prevent the spread of coronavirus, committed to the safety and well-being of our communities, and are following every precaution to keep our families and children safe.

Together, a group of young people has taken the responsibilities of building our society with an executive committee for 2021 & 2022 for the purpose of promoting Bangladeshi heritage, culture, arts and social values.

I would like to wish you all a happy Bengali New Year (1428) on behalf of the Executive Committee of BHESA in advance. It is my great pleasure and privilege to serve our community in representing BHESA, a Canadian socio-cultural organization that preserves, promotes and celebrates Bangladeshi culture, heritage and history, also serving the local community of Bangladeshi-Canadians in Edmonton, Alberta.

Due to COVID 19 BHESA needs an evaluation, nurturing, and development of our current activities, events, and ideas based on the situation. BHESA is doing preparation and distribution of content through social media and supporting the Edmonton Heritage Festival Association in fulfilling its cultural mission.

I would like to convey my best regards and gratitude to all the founder members, past presidents, and executives, volunteers, stakeholders and honorable community members for their continued support to achieve our goals.

BHESA planned to make an Agenda for Sustainable Development, which will include a redefine Goal for support, promote equitable services to community and supporting inclusive, peaceful societies.

I am determined to take the bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift our BHESA onto a sustainable and resilient path.

Ahsan Ullah

President, Bangladesh Canada Heritage Society of Edmonton